Wednesday, August 5, 2015

My experience with a c-section...

As I'm quickly approaching that time again, (38 weeks today hence my lack of blog posts) I wanted to share a bit of my birthing experience because I've noticed a trend in the way people view Cesarean deliveries!


I know in some cultures they believe you aren't a "real woman" if you do not have a baby natural and without any medication. That's old school and a crock of you know what. Cesarean deliveries are JUST as common as natural deliveries and they aren't always because of a "problem." Every woman is different. Every woman's body can endure different things. Every pregnancy is different! What was easy for one, may have been almost impossible to another. Which is why i say STOP! Stop trying to force natural birth on a woman, Stop gasping and shrieking when a woman tells you her method of delivery, Stop turning your nose up, Stop thinking a cesarean somehow equates to a problem or an inferior way to deliver. 

With that out the way, here's my story:
With my pregnancy with my daughter, I had been told since about 36-37 weeks that I would delivery by way of a cesarean. Reason being? My birth canal was small and I wasn't dilating, although she was in position and ready! (I know, a lot of people say "doctor's just want more money so they tell you that" if that's the way you think about your doctor, you already have a problem. Call me naive but I've haven't encountered a doctor who was not worried about my well being) 

So, about 2 days before my due date, I started having contractions and went into labor and was admitted to the hospital on my due date. Now, I CHOSE to deliver at a hospital that did not have my records and that my doctor did not deliver at and of course it was a Saturday. So, because I was in active labor, this hospital asked if I wanted to try natural and since I had been made to feel that having a c-section was a problem, I said "yes, i will try BUT DO NOT HESITATE to give me a c-section as my doctor has already made a c-section appointment for this Monday." So, i got my epidural and i felt great! I was talking and laughing through labor like there wasn't an earthquake striking my body every 3 minutes! By 8-9 centimeters dilated, my cervix had swollen up and my daughter's heart rate dropped and mine shot up, which resulted in an "emergency c-section." 

Fast forward to this pregnancy:
Being that all this took place a little  over a year ago (16 months to be exact), I am scheduled for another c-section because my pregnancies are so close together and if i try and go natural, I run the risk of bursting my incision. Am i worried? No! I actually prefer to deliver by way of a c-section because I've healed great from my last one and I'd hate to ruin a good thing trying to go natural just because "it's the norm."

I write this as a post of possible inspiration. I hope to inspire women to not be scared of a cesarean. Like I said, every woman's body is different and that includes during pregnancy. You and your doctor know what you can handle and do not do anything YOU aren't comfortable with! I also hopes this inspires people to drop the idea of c-sections being abnormal or only because of a problem. If you have an acquaintance, friend, or loved one who is going to deliver by way of c-section, be supportive! It's not  always a bad thing! It's child birth! It's not meant to be pretty! Natural deliveries sure aren't pretty! And just because you may have had children natural, doesn't mean that's another woman's path. 

Life throws us all curve balls and in my experience, going natural was actually detrimental to my child and I, so my doctor was right and wasn't just trying to get more money. And come on, with as many women that get pregnant daily, do you really think a doctor is hurting for c-section money? It's not like pregnancy is going extinct any time soon lol 

Images found on google

1 comment:

  1. I was one of those people who told her to try natural birth and was very resistant to c-sections. I am her Mom. While my daughter and granddaughter were having complications with this delivery and you hear the doctors and nurses talking their lingo amongst each other trying to figure out the safest course for my granddaughter to be born healthy and my daughter to remain healthy I became frightened. I starting praying to God to keep them both healthy and give her dr the answers to deliver successfully. When they decided my daughter had to have a c-section I was relieved because the stress my daughter body was going thru and my granddaughters lil body was dealing with. I just wanted them both to be heathy and together with our family celebrating the miracle of my granddaughter being born. Let the doctors do their job. They know it better than us civilians. I am no longer anti-cesarean. My daughter is not less of a woman because she had a c-section. She still delivered One of Gods miracles. My granddaughter.
